12 research outputs found

    Development of a Mathematical Model for Analyzing the Performance of Operators of Web-oriented Information Systems

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    The issue of developing a mathematical model for estimating the dynamics of changes in the performance of operators of web-oriented information systems is considered. The relevance of these systems is shown both for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the units’ activities and for the formation of the psychological climate of the collective. The generality of the solution of this issue and the issues of revealing abnormal behavior as a sign of harmful activity is described. The applicability of this approach for assessing the quality of interface updates of the system is underlined. The proposed mathematical model and the numerical algorithm for its building are thoroughly disassembled. A description of the system for evaluating the performance of operators of the ERP system of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, developed on the basis of this model, is given. Conclusions are drawn about the applicability of the proposed mathematical model.       Keywords: mathematical model, employee behavior, psychological climate of the team, detection of abnormal behavior, information system, Ruby on Rails, evaluation of the quality of interfaces, monitoring of operations, performance loss factors, criminal or illegal activit

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